Can A Vacuum Cleaner Remove Dust Mites…? And Other Popular Questions

In an age where technology is so advanced to the point that many appliances are becoming smart or controlled by AI, it’s easy to presume that some staple appliances have evolved significantly, too.

The Vacuum cleaner is no different; with robotic vacuums which follow a set cleaning pattern to rid a space of dirt and dust without the need for human intervention, we can see why people are coming to expect more and more from their cleaners – but how far can we actually push them? How beneficial are they when it comes to getting a spotless clean?

Do Vacuum Cleaners Get Rid of Dust Mites?

While vacuum cleaners are often great at sucking up pretty much anything that you throw at them, one of the main mysteries many people want to know is, if regularly used, does a vacuum cleaner kill dust mites?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Vacuum cleaners are very thorough at lifting dirt and debris from the fibres of a carpet but this isn’t enough to kill off dust mites, which live deep within the carpet, rather than nearer the top of the pile – and that takes a lot of suction power.

Many manufacturers claim that the vibration of their unit helps loosen the dust mites for easy removal, but again, this simply isn’t true. While vibrating may dislodge some of the mites, there’s no guarantee that they’ll be sucked up and disposed of.

The best way to get rid of dust mites from your home is to either wash all your fibres in the house with very hot water to help reduce the numbers of mites. Placing all bed linen, curtains, clothing and the like in a hot wash every seven days to stay on top of the number of dust mites in your home.

Alternatively, carpets can be hand washed, but again, this will need to be with very hot water, but remember to adequately dry the area – damp spaces are a haven for dust mites!

How Often Should You Vacuum?

Are you someone who will only bring out the vacuum when absolutely necessary or does your carpet enjoy a weekly – or even daily – clean?

We all have very different cleaning habits, which can often make it difficult to judge if we’re not cleaning enough, or cleaning too much. Under-cleaning can cause an overabundance of dust mites, which often leads to allergies developing or worsening in the home. Over cleaning can ruin surfaces and materials, which can become very expensive.

But, is there a definitive amount of time that should be left between vacuuming?

Some home experts have estimated that most areas should be vacuumed at least twice a week, including carpets and rugs. Areas of high traffic should be vacuumed at a higher rate, due to the fact more dirt and grime will be coming into contact with the fibres.

What Time of Day is Best to Vacuum?

Aside from not wanting to disturb people around you at the crack of dawn with your vacuuming antics, many people often wonder if there is a perfect time to do the vacuuming where doing so will make the process more efficient.

Sadly not. However, while there’s no official “perfect” time, there are some pointers which suggest early evening could be an ideal time to bring out the vacuum.

Not only does this avoid annoying or upsetting those who may still be trying to sleep or work or even start drifting off for the night, such as in a morning or late evening, it also ensures that any dirt or dust that settles during the day is cleaned away. Vacuuming in a morning would be noisy and leaving dust to settle overnight can increase the chances of allergies becoming a problem as the dust and dirt are trapped within the carpet.

It’s also ideal as you have been using your eyes already a lot during the day, and your hand-eye coordination is slightly better in early evening than first thing in a morning and the last thing at night – essentially, you’ll do a better job!

Looking for a low noise emission, almost silent vacuum cleaner to help you keep even the smallest of places thoroughly clean? Feel free to get in touch today for more information

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