About Marisa

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Marisa contributed a whooping 17 entries.

Entries by Marisa

5 Benefits of a Well-Maintained Office

The smallest detail in your office can provide your business with a competitive advantage. Whether you’re looking to expand your business and attract new clients, or you wish to attract new employees for your company, the cleanliness of the working environment can’t be ignored. Protect your company’s profits by ensuring that your office space is […]

Summer to Autumn: Cleaning Habit Changes to Adopt

With cold and rainy weather making its reappearance as autumn grows nearer, it’s vital to implement good cleaning habits and invest in a high-quality silent vacuum cleaner to keep the workplace clean. More time is spent indoors instead of outdoors and office illnesses are at a high. Make sure that your employees have a clean and […]

How Often Should You Empty Your Vacuum Cleaner?

A commercial vacuum cleaner is utilised extensively; as a professional cleaner, you are aware of the importance of emptying your vacuum cleaner regularly to ensure it lasts for years to come. Although simple, it may be difficult to know when to empty dust bags and make sure they’re changed at the right time. Here are […]

Is Autumn the Best Season to Clean?

Although spring is typically the season chosen for deep cleaning, it’s just as vital and beneficial to do it in autumn after summer and seasonal allergies’ season. Cleaning in autumn will help reduce the likelihood of workplace illnesses spreading amongst your employees, which will decrease productivity and profits. In addition to presenting a good image […]

Most Common Allergies in the UK

According to the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), allergies are the “most common chronic disease in Europe. Up to 20% of patients with allergies struggle daily with the fear of a possible asthma attack, anaphylactic shock, or even death from an allergic reaction.” There are various common allergies in the UK, such […]

5 Tips for Keeping Office Sickness to a Minimum

In the UK, office sickness costs £77 billion every year in productivity with employees losing, on average, 30.4 days of productivity due to sickness. Many workplace illnesses and common allergies can be prevented by following a few simple tips that keep your employees’ well-being in mind. Preventing office sickness will contribute to reduced absenteeism, which […]

How Vacuums Can Help Reduce Allergens

Asthma is a serious medical condition that affects many employees in the workplace. Indoor allergens such as dust mites can be difficult to control, however, it’s possible to minimise them through utilising a high-quality Taski vacuum cleaner and with thorough cleaning. The initial investment in advanced cleaning technology will save you money long-term, ensuring a […]

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